Five Minute Friday: Spring

I love the way the world comes to life in spring.

Last season we planted a lot of new landscaping bushes. One in particular I really loved. I don’t know the name of it, but it’s small and round and produces gorgeous pink buds that grow into white flowers. I thought it was cold hardy and it would be fine, but during one of our winter storms this year, the little bush died.

Or so I thought.

Earlier this week, I glanced out our home office window and saw green at the base of our dead bush. I wondered if it was a weed taking over but didn’t have time to check. Later that day, my husband told me my little bush wasn’t dead—it was coming back. I’m so thrilled that it survived and is making a comeback.

Spring is a reminder that no matter how bad things look, life can change. Overnight the bleak, brown and gray world around us started transforming. One day, green started appearing everywhere. Now trees are beginning to bloom with pink and white blossoms. Color is all around. The landscape that looked hopeless and dreary a few days ago is now coming back to life. I’m thankful that God brings new life in spring, and in the dry and bleak places in our lives.

5 thoughts on “Five Minute Friday: Spring

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  1. This >> “Spring is a reminder that no matter how bad things look, life can change.” I so agree, Amanda. God is so faithful to bring growth and hope even to those places where none was to be expected.


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